The latest green card lottery entry period has begun and will continue until November 24th. Applications received after that date will not be accepted. As we do every year, Siskind, Susser, Haas & Chang has made available a detailed question and answer document, a sample application and a sample envelope available at our web site ( Most people should find it possible to enter themselves without the assistance of a lottery entry firm and firms which promise they can improve your chances of winning should be viewed with skepticism. SSHC does provide lottery entry services via our web site to assist persons who wish to use our return address, for those wishing to have their applications mailed via regular mail from within the US and for those who are just uncomfortable with doing the application process themselves.

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Disclaimer: This newsletter is provided as a public service and not intended to establish an attorney client relationship. Any reliance on information contained herein is taken at your own risk. The information provided in this article has not been updated since its original posting and you should not rely on it until you consult counsel to determine if the content is still valid. We keep older articles online because it helps in the understanding of the development of immigration law.

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