Source: American Immigration Lawyers Association

[Best Viewed in Courier 10pt font]


California Service Center Processing Time

     The following is the California Service Center Processing
Times Report for the period ending September 30, 1997.  

                                                  Receipt Notice
                                   Processing     Processing Time
                                   for Initial    in Days
Application/Petition Type          Receipt Date   From To

I-90 Replacement Card              09/10/97       29   30
I-90A Saw                          09/01/97       29   30
I-129/S New Amended NI Worker      08/01/97       59   60
I-129/F Fiance(e)                  09/16/97       29   30
I-130 Spouse                       08/21/97       44   45
I-130 Other Relatives              08/15/97       59   60
I-131 Reentry Permit/Ref Travel 
     Doc.                          09/01/97       15   25   
I-140 Immigrant Worker             08/01/97       60   75
I-360 Pet for Widow/Spec. Imm.     09/30/97       29   30
I-485 Adjustment                   05/01/97       120  130  
I-526 Investor                     08/01/97       59   60
I-539 Change/Extend NI Status-
     Employment Authorization      07/01/97       89   90   
I-539 Change/Extend NI Status-
     Other                         07/01/97       89   90
I-589 Asylum                       na             na   na
I-698 Legalization-Adjustments 
     to LPR                        09/01/97       29   30
I-730 Refugee/Asylee Relative 
     Petition                      na             na   na
I-751 Remove Conditions            09/19/97       29   30
I-765 Employment Authorization-
     Asylum Based                  09/10/97       29   30
I-765 Employment Authorization-
     Other                         08/01/97       89   90
I-817 Family Unity                 04/02/97       179  180
I-824 Actions of Approved 
     Petitions                     06/30/97       75   95
N-400 Naturalization               na             na   na
N-600 Application for Citizenship  na             na   na

Total Pending Applications (All types)       387,618
(G-22 Total: Line 130 Aug G22)

Nebraska Service Center Processing Time

The following is the Nebraska Service Center Processing Times
Report for the period ending September 30,  1997.  

                                                  Receipt Notice
                                   Processing     Processing Time
                                   for Initial         in Days
Application/Petition Type          Receipt Date        From To

I-90 Replacement Card              07/30/97            63   93
I-90A Saw                          09/15/97            18   48
I-102 Replacement of Arrival 
Document                           08/25/97            30   60
I-129/S New Amended NI Worker      09/02/97            15   30
I-129/F Fiance(e)                  none pending        15   30
I-130 Spouse US                    07/22/97            60   90
I-130 Spouse                       03/26/97            187  217
I-130 Other Relatives              04/14/97            169  199
I-131 Reentry Permit/Ref 
Travel Doc                         06/11/97            112  142  
I-131 Advance Parole               09/15/97            18   48
I-140 Immigrant Worker             07/07/97            86   116
I-360 Pet for Widow/Spec. Imm.     08/25/97            38   68
I-485 Adjustment                   07/25/97            120  150
I-526 Investor                     07/31/97            63   93
I-539 Change/Extend NI Status      08/19/97            44   74   
I-589 Asylum                       Not adjudicated     15   30
I-698 Legalization-Adjustments 
to LPR                             None pending        15   45
I-730 Refugee/Asylee Relative 
Petition                           04/25/97            158  188
I-751 Remove Conditions            None pending        15   30
I-765 Employment Authorization-A5  08/25/97            15   30
I-765 Employment Authorization-
Other                              08/25/97            30   60
I-817 Family Unity                 03/02/97            211  241
I-824 Actions of Approved 
Petitions                          08/01/97            62   92
I-829 Removal Conditions 
(Investors)                        None Pending        15   30
N-400 Naturalization               Not Adjudicated     540  600
N-600 Application for 
Citizenship                        Not Adjudicated     15   120
I-724 All Waivers                  None pending        15   30

Total Pending Applications 
(All types, pending first time adj.)    90062

Source: American Immigration Lawyers Association

Local Processing Times

Office              Permanent Residence Filing Until Approval
                    I-485*        I485i**      I485***                   

Albuquerque         n/a           n/a          n/a
Atlanta             365           365          n/a
Baltimore           240-365       240-365      180
Boston              210           210          n/a
Buffalo             180           180          120
Charlotte           330-390       330-390      270-360
Chicago             180-365       180-365      180-365
Cincinnati          90-110        90-110       n/a
Cleveland           90-110        90-110       n/a
Dallas              300-360       300-360      180-240
Denver              180-210       180-210      180-210
Detroit             n/a           120-150      120-150
El Paso             365-547       365-547      365-547
Harlingen           398           398          398
Hartford            90-100        90-100       90-100
Honolulu            90-150        90-150       90-150
Houston             480-520       480-520      n/a
Indianapolis        120-180       120-180      120-180
Kansas City         180-240       180-240      n/a
Las Vegas           300           300          n/a
Louisville          180-270       180-270      180-270
Los Angeles         447           447          n/a
Memphis             300-365       300-365      210-240
Miami               300-330       300-330      330-330
Milwaukee           340-390       340-390      n/a
New Orleans         150-180       150-180      150-180
New York            270           270          180
Newark              170-200       170-200      n/a
Oklahoma City       240-300       240-300      n/a
Omaha               180-210       180-210      n/a
Orlando             60            60           60
Philadelphia        130           130          150-180
Phoenix             420-480       420-480      240-270
Pittsburgh          90-120        90-120       180-240
Portland            240           240          240
Sacramento          240           240          180
San Antonio         150-180       180-240      150-180
San Francisco       270-300       270-300      n/a
San Jose            365-390       365-390      240-270
Seattle             150-210       150-210      150-210
St. Paul            180-240       180-240      180-240
Salt Lake City      270-300       270-300      270-300
Tampa               240-270       240-270      240-270
Washington DC/VA    240-365       240-365      180

*     1-485 Filing Until Approval (Interview, Non-245I (Supp. A Form not filed))
**   1-485 Filing Until Approval (interview, 245i)
***  1-485 Filing Until Approval (No Interview) 

Office           Naturalization  Advance      Parole  	EADs#
                 Filing          Interview
                 Until           Until
                 Interview+      Swearing  

Albuquerque      360-420         14-21         30-60     n/a
Atlanta          365             279-365       21-30     75-90
Baltimore        180-240         180-240       1-7       30-90
Boston           240             180           1-2       1-2
Buffalo          120             90            10        1
Charlotte        450-600         180-240       15-21     30-60
Chicago          365-540         45-60         1         1
Cincinnati       120-180         60-90         1-2       1
Cleveland        120-180         60-90         1-5       1
Dallas           360-390         60-180        120-150   90-120
Denver           330-365         1             5-10      21-28
Detroit          270-365         15-30         1         1
El Paso          365-547         90-180        20-30     60-90
Harlingen        200             70            70-90     91
Hartford         150             30            5         90
Honolulu         120-180         30-90         30-60     1
Houston          360             30-90         7-10      90
Indianapolis     180-210         30-45         3-7       1-14
Kansas City      210-365         20-60         1-25      1-90
Las Vegas        240             90            5         90
Louisville       n/a             n/a           30-45     30-45
Los Angeles      180-240         60-90         1         14-30
Memphis          240-270         90-120        3-5       90-120
Miami            360-390         60-90         3-4       30-60
Milwaukee        320-365         60-180        7-20      100-120
New Orleans      180-360         30-180        7-14      30-90
New York         270             30-60         21        75
Newark           360-420         1             1         45-90
Oklahoma City    180-210         30-90         60-90     120-180
Omaha            150-180         30-40         15-30     30-60
Orlando          240             120           10        1-7
Philadelphia     150-180         45            4         90
Phoenix          390             60-90         90-120    60-90
Pittsburgh       60-90           10-40         3-9       1
Portland         240             90            15        1
Sacramento       365             30-90         1         1
San Antonio      270-360         30-90         60-90     60-90
San Francisco    270-365         30-120        1-7       1
San Jose         365-540         30-60         7-14      1
Seattle          180-240         1             21-28     21-28
St. Paul         120-180         n/a           1-3       1
Salt Lake City   270-300         60-90         7-14      21-45
Tampa            480-540         60-90        10-14     15-21
Washington DC/VA 180-240         180-240       1-7       30-90

+    Naturalization Filing Until Interview
++   Naturalization Interview Until Swearing-In
#    Work Authorization (Non-Asylum) Approval


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