Dear Readers:

As we get closer to the election, immigration remains a top issue in the news and, tragically, a factor in the violence that resulted in the deaths of 11 people in a synagogue in Pittsburgh a few days ago. Aside from the fact that I’m Jewish and for our community, this is akin to a 9/11 disaster, the killer cited to being angry at HIAS – the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society – for resettling refugees in the US. I was a board member of HIAS for twelve years from 1996 to 2008 and I’ve served on its emeritus board for many years as well. My daughter organized a 5-K race that started 9 years ago and continues annually to this day and significant proceeds went to HIAS refugee programs in Africa. She also interned with HIAS in Washington while in college. And, most importantly, HIAS resettled my wife’s family in our city after the Holocaust. So to see that great organization targeted in this way was deeply disturbing and only increases my sense of dedication to that organization. What they’re doing is some of the most important charity work in this country, and I recommend you donate to them to show you support what they’re doing. Go to for more information.

As far as immigration news, the so-called Caravan is making news mainly for the overreaction from the Trump Administration. Long time readers of this publication know there have been many such groups that have trekked from Central America in recent years usually during months with milder weather. The group peaked at 7,000, but recent reports already indicate it is less than half the size with many seeking asylum in Mexico. Nevertheless, the Trump Administration has indicated they are sending 5,000 troops to the border and they may unilaterally bar asylum applicants from entering the country citing the same section of the Immigration and Nationality Act as they did with the Muslim ban. And to top the hysteria off, President Trump just made news for suggesting he would end birthright citizenship for the children of the undocumented, something legal scholars almost universally agree would be unconstitutional. So many things to watch.

Last but not least, we have an election coming up in a few days. If the pollsters are right, the Democrats have an excellent chance to take over the House of Representatives. What would that mean for immigration? Well, for one, it would effectively stop any legislative efforts the White House may have in mind that are anti-immigrant in nature. Also, look for hearings on a variety of issues that the current Congress refused to investigate including the family separation issue. The Democrats will have subpoena power which will make it easier to find out if any of the activities involving immigration in the Administration have violated any laws. And, perhaps, most importantly, the Democrats will have power over spending and can refuse to allow taxpayer dollars to be used for purposes they believe are inappropriate. So the House could, in theory, kill a regulation by forbidding funding from being used for that purpose. One can predict some major showdowns with the White House in the next two years because of this. I’ll have more to say about the election in next month’s issue.

With that said, we remind people that you’re welcome to contact the firm for consultations. Please go to if interested.



Greg Siskind

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